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REPAIRian Transect is a temporary spatial intervention spanning the Circle Acres Nature Preserve in Austin, Texas. It enriches and informs the visitor experience by telling the story of the site through a physically constructed transect in the form of a bamboo scaffold. This armature address the question of “waste” by exposing the layers of the site’s history in the installation, as a quarry, then landfill, now nature preserve.

The installation is built of three interwoven parts.

1) A bamboo armature transects the site, its undulating height a reference to the natural site topography prior to human intervention. 2) An assembly of construction debris framed within the armature reveals the hidden layers of history beneath the ground. 3) A west-facing screen collects shadows and provides an opportunity for casting digital media and creating social connectivity.

The bamboo scaffolding disappears down into the seasonal pond water, whose rise and fall will leave multiple datums of its advance as sediment lines on the poles that will slowly bring about the installation’s designed decay.

Project Team: Clayton Holmes, James Morgan, Brendan Wittstruck, Lauren Fasic

Honors: Finalist in the Field Constructs Design Competition for Circle Acres

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Field Constructs 5 web.jpg
Field Constructs 6 web.jpg