Safe Place
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Safe Place
Safe Place

This Volunteer Project was a joint effort of RECA’s 2013 LDC Class and the Christmas in October Committee.

The Real Estate Council of Austin’s Leadership Development Council each year chooses one worthy recipient for its collective efforts to improve the mission of a non-profit organization in Austin, TX, via a campaign of fundraising efforts and community awareness. This effort culminates in a large one-day volunteer construction project. The organization chosen, SafePlace, benefitted from over $170,000 raised in donations. The RECA team mustered over 120 volunteers to help with much-needed site maintenance and repairs to the SafePlace facilities, including a walking trail, new gazebo, and new toddler playground, the latter of which was the signature piece of the effort. It has become a much-loved new space for families to gather on the campus.

Project Team: Adam Kucera, Barrett Lepore, Chico Parker, Danae Falvo, Jesse Malone, Joel Wixson, Kelsey Roop, Maggie Vineyard, Max Reinbach, Nate Gitlin, Omar Hossain, Shannon Perry Nichols, Travis Robertson, Will Nichols, Clayton Holmes

Honors: National Make a Difference Day Honor Award Recipient 2014

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